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Show Packages

We take the guess work out of showing

Showing with us is easy and we provide fixed rate packages that include all expenses.  So the price you see is what you pay.  There is no additional split charges on your show bill for tack stall, supplies, trainer/groom expenses with our packages, they are all inclusive.  The shavings and feed costs for partial or full care is also included in the price already.  It is designed to be transparent to you because we know what it costs to show and take the guess work out of it for you.  


Compare our package rates to other show barns and we are a real value, we want you to show and show often, it is why you train so hard.  Whether you show with us occasionally or in part of our regular program, we are happy to have you join us for the show.  We do accept Check, Visa or MasterCard for payment.

Package Rates apply to weekly show and care options for WEC and shows in Southeast Michigan, (No other hidden fees, splits or expenses, these rates are all inclusive except for professional rides, braiding, horse show stall/class/entry fees, transport and groom tips).  Shows outside of WEC and Southeast Michigan will have an added fee  for lodging expenses that is for the trainer and grooms.  It will be split amongst all horses attending the show from EOF, an estimate can be provided ahead of time.  

Self Care, Not Boarded with EOF - Meet us at the Show

(Does not include feed, hay or bedding- you must order and provide unless arrangements were made prior to with EOF), coaching only, +day before start of show lesson‎.
Your responsible for mucking, bathing, lunging, tacking/untacking, unbraiding etc all days of the show. Includes lesson the day before the show.  One professional ride included. Any medications that the horse has received up to 7 days prior to show and while showing needs to first be communicated to the trainer prior to competing as medication forms may need to be submitted to comply with USEF regulations and avoid fines.
$450 WEC and Shows in Southeast Michigan

Self Care, Boarded with EOF

Includes coaching, feed, hay and bedding are provided in this package for the horse you bring or lease from us.  Your responsible for mucking, bathing, lunging, tacking/untacking, unbraiding etc all days of the show. Includes lesson the day before the show. One professional ride included. This package also applied for EOF Show Leases.
$625 WEC and Shows in Southeast Michigan

Partial Care

Includes coaching, feed & bedding, Mucking stalls and unbraiding is done by our groom, +day before start of show lesson‎. You bathe, tack and untack horse for classes and lessons the days you show. One professional ride included.
$750 WEC and Shows in Southeast Michigan

Full Care

Includes coaching, feed & bedding, mucking stalls, bathing & tacking/untacking, unbraiding, hand walking, is all done by our grooms, +Day before start of show lesson‎. One professional ride included.
$950 WEC and Shows in Southeast Michigan

Sales Horse Special

This is the same as full care, plus we show in schooling classes and division and take care of all grooming. (Braiding, Tips, Entry Fees, Stall, Classes and Transport not included) ‎

$950 / show

**Also when available, we offer board and training for sale horses at Arbor Acres in Ann Arbor, MI. for $1,000 a month, contact 248-396-9240 for availability and details of what is included. 

Professional Rides at the Show

Professional Ride at Show $35 per Class* 

*‎Grooming and preparation for professional rides follow whatever care plan you are in with EOF, unless other arrangements have been made with the trainer.

Optional Services

Daily Care at Shows for those not in Partial or Full Care $50/day to muck, feed and water per horse per day, must be arranged with the trainer ahead of time.  This is for clients that are in self care that can't be there on non-showing days to care for their horse. If you want full care on days you are showing and have not signed up for the entire show in full care it is $100/day this includes bathing, unbraiding, untacking, tacking, lunging as well as feeding, mucking and watering the horse.

  ​ this 

Shows outside of Southeast Michigan and WEC will have an added charge for lodging for the trainer/grooms that will be split equally among all the horses attending the show from EOF.

Health Certificates for EOF horses will be billed per the rate from the EOF Vet and is not included in the lease fee.

All horses must be full body clipped prior to showing, for the welfare of the horse and ease of grooming during the show.  If you lease a horse from us or have one that boards/trains with us, we can make arranges to have it clipped prior to the show for $175 per horse, assuming it requires no medications to be clipped.

Lease Fee for show horses is $500-$1500 per week, rate varies based on type of horse leased for equitation, hunters or jumpers.

Come Show with Us

Winning Combination

We attend a couple shows each month at places like WEC, Kentucky, Brave Horse, Chicago and many local A/AA rated shows here at home. Whether you are in our program every day or would like to join us at a show, just let us know.

A winning partnership

Read the Terms of Use for more information about your rights and responsibilities when accessing information on this website, social media accounts or engaging with us, our partners and/or advertisers.  Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice, so please check back prior to showing.  Our pricing will need to reflect rising labor and supplies costs.

©2023 by Equine Odyssey, LLC. 

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